
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hungry Caterpillar Applique Dress

What parent has not read "The Hungry Caterpillar" to their child.  It is a favorite around here:-)  So on Monday I bought the fabric, and on Tuesday I cut the pattern, and on Wednesday I sewed the dress......and I bet by Saturday, Landrie will have destroyed the dress:-)

This is the first time to post a picture of my is the infamous Landrie wearing her dress:-)

I asked to her to give me a big smile for the next picture....

I think that smile is big enough:-)
Oh, the bow is the same bow that Bow Girl made for the parrot outfit.  It matches perfectly!

I think this dress looks better on!  This dress was not that bad to make.  Send me an email if you are interested in a dress for your daughter.  Sewing is not my best talent, but as you can see....I can do it.  I do not have a serger, but my mom did not either when I was growing up and my clothes were just fine.  

I sure hope everyone is having a great summer!  

I saw this on another blog.  I am becoming addicted to blogs.  However, it is very time consuming.  That is ... it is consuming my Facebook time:-) 

I just thought this would be an easy cake to do.  So, here is the cake idea, and I can make you the birthday shirt/outfit.  I just thought this was so cute.  I wish I remembered the blog that I got it from.  If you know it, please leave a comment so I can give them credit!

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