
Monday, August 8, 2011

Well, I did it!

 I swam with the sharks!  As you can see in the pictures, I was scared....but in awe!  I LOVE sharks, and this is something that was on my bucket list....even though it may have caused me to actually kick the bucket!  I was a little hesitant about flying.....but flying was nothing! (BTW, sorry for that mass email....I was trying to put my email on vacation mode.)   It was a wonderful dive....but I don't have to do it again.  A cage dive with great whites is still on the list though!

This is in the Bahamas.  Stuart Cove Dives took us out.  The dude behind us is our master diver, Chang.  He is Australian!  The shark is in a trance and was not about to attack.  We had no idea Chang was behind us....nor did we know how many sharks were behind us.  Ironically, when we got home, it was the start of shark week!  It was neat to watch some of the episodes and see Stuart Cove taking some of the hosts diving!

Well, I know y'all will be glad to know that I am back and can finish your orders:-)

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