
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Escapades of Elton our Elf on the Shelf!

Elton is our Elf on the Shelf!  We have ALL been having fun with him this year:-)  Check out some of the fun things he has done. 

The first day he showed up, he "rolled" our house with a red streamer.  He was perched in our Gingerbread tree.  We had our "North Pole Breakfast" that morning.  We had some cute powdered donut idea I took from pinterest.  

On another morning, we had cinowman rolls:-)

Elton brought us these cute pjs that he picked up at Gymboree.  He also got into my chocolate stash!!!!
Elton got very dirty eating all that chocolate, so he had to take a bath!

Elton decided to help the Wise Men as they "travel afar" to get to the manger!

Elton now flying the Wise Men so they can see Baby Jesus!
Elton did fly up to a safer place after he got his picture taken:-)

Elton living up to his name.  He did look for some gold glasses, maybe tomorrow!

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